Who Owns Boston Dynamics Stock and Who Are Their Biggest Competitors?

Internet and Technology

Boston Dynamics has made a name for itself in the world of robotics with its breathtaking, forward-thinking creations like the human-like robot Atlas and other notable robotic innovations. But who owns this trailblazing company and who are their major competitors in this evolving field?

Who Owns Boston Dynamics?

Boston Dynamics was initially a spin-off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It has seen a variety of ownership throughout its history, but most recently, the company was acquired by Hyundai Motor Group.

The South Korean conglomerate Hyundai finalized its acquisition process of Boston Dynamics from the Japanese multinational conglomerate SoftBank in June 2021 after agreeing on a whopping $1.1 billion deal. Now, Hyundai Motor Group owns an 80% stake and SoftBank retains a 20% stake in Boston Dynamics.

This acquisition aligns with Hyundai’s vision towards being a pioneer in the future mobility market, where robotics are anticipated to play a significant role.

Boston Dynamics’ Biggest Competitors

While Boston Dynamics is a leading player in the robotics arena, the accelerating advancements in technology have also paved the way for numerous competitors. Some of the main competitors include Clearpath Robotics, Sarcos Robotics, and ABB Ltd.

Clearpath Robotics

Based in Canada, Clearpath Robotics is often referred to as one of Boston Dynamics’ most formidable competitors. They are widely known for offering a variety of autonomous robots in research, military, and industrial sectors. The company is most recognized for their versatile Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs), which appeal to a host of industries for their efficiency and reliability.

Sarcos Robotics

Sarcos Robotics, based out of the United States, specializes in making industrial and military robots. Their main focus is on creating robots that can prevent injury and enhance productivity. Notable products include the Guardian XO, a full-body, powered exoskeleton designed to boost human strength and endurance.

ABB Ltd.

Switzerland-based ABB Ltd is one of the oldest and most well-known competitors. They provide a variety of industrial robots for use in sectors like automotive, electronics, food and beverage, and many more. ABB has a global footprint, with their robotics services extending to over 53 countries.


Under the ownership of Hyundai Motor Group, Boston Dynamics continues to blaze trails in the field of robotics and automation. The acquisition by Hyundai presents an exciting new chapter for Boston Dynamics, promising more intriguing and advanced developments in the sector.

While they maintain a leading position in the industry, competitors like Clearpath Robotics, Sarcos Robotics, and ABB Ltd continue to push boundaries in their own rights, vying for dominance in the rapidly evolving world of robotics. As competition heats up, it will only accelerate innovation and technological advancement in robotics, promising an exciting future for the industry and all those who rely on it.

How To Patent A New Invention Idea With InventHelp?

Internet and Technology

If you’re a newcomer to the world of inventing, the patenting process may seem daunting. However, thanks to companies like InventHelp, getting your innovative ideas patented and introduced to the market has never been more accessible. This article will answer your question “how do I patent my invention idea“, guide you through the steps of patenting your new invention with InventHelp and discuss the importance of getting a patent.

What is a Patent?

A patent is a legally enforceable right granted by the government that gives you exclusive rights to manufacture, sell, or use your invention for a particular number of years, usually twenty. This prevents others from taking advantage of your hard-earned innovation without your permission.

Partnering with InventHelp

Invent Help is a leading invention service company that helps inventors pursue their innovative ideas and offers assistance with bringing them to fruition, including navigating the patent process.

Steps to Get A Patent with InventHelp

Securing a patent with the assistance of InventHelp comprises several steps, which can simplify the process for you:

  • Initial Consultation: Reach out to InventHelp and explain your invention idea to their professionals. They will sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure your idea remains protected.
  • Determine the Patentability: InventHelp’s experts will help you determine if your invention meets the patentability criteria – new, useful, and non-obvious.
  • Conduct a Patent Search: InventHelp will assist you in conducting a comprehensive patent search to confirm that your invention hasn’t already been patented or disclosed publicly.
  • Prepare a Patent Application: With InventHelp’s patent services, you can prepare a detailed application, including complete specifications about your invention.
  • File the Application: InventHelp will guide you in filing your patent application with the appropriate Patent Office.
  • Examination and Approval: Once submitted, a patent examiner will review your application. If the invention meets the patentability criteria, the patent will be granted.

Do You Need A Patent?

While patents may seem very beneficial, they aren’t always essential. It depends on your invention and your overall business strategy.

Protection: A patent provides protection against unauthorized use of your invention. If your invention has high market potential, a patent is highly recommended.

Commercial Profitability: If your invention is likely to generate significant revenue, a patent could be beneficial, as it would prevent others from capitalizing on your efforts.

Attracting Investment: Patents can demonstrate the high value or potential of your business, helping to attract investors or partners.

Cost Considerations: Patenting can be expensive, involving application fees, ongoing maintenance fees, and potentially attorney fees. Before pursuing a patent, consider if the expected financial return from your invention will outweigh these costs.

In Conclusion

Partnering with a reputable and professional company like InventHelp can make the patenting process smoother and more efficient. By carefully considering and consulting with experts, obtaining a patent for your innovative ideas can be a key factor in your success.

Harnessing the Power of AI Copywriting Tools

Internet and Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to leave its mark across diverse industries. In the realm of copywriting, AI-powered tools are not only revolutionizing the profession but also empowering individuals and businesses with their sophisticated capabilities. These tools enhance productivity, improve accuracy, and allow for a more personalized approach to content creation.

Understanding AI Copywriting Tools

AI copywriting tools use machine learning algorithms to generate content for blog posts, social media updates, ad copy, and more. These tools can be used to create unique and engaging content that is tailored to your audience. They are not limited by the amount of time or resources you have on hand, which makes them especially valuable for businesses looking to scale their marketing efforts.

Key Benefits of Using AI Copywriting Tools

There are many benefits to using AI copywriting tools. These include:

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

AI copywriting tools can produce a large volume of content within minutes, significantly reducing the time spent on writing. It also diminishes the risk of human error.

Personalized Content Creation

With AI, it’s possible to create personalized content for different readers. AI tools can analyze information about a target reader and generate content that appeals directly to their interests and needs.

Data Analysis

AI tools can analyze vast amounts of data to discover useful insights about content performance. These insights can be used to refine a company’s content strategy.

Examples of AI Copywriting Tools

Here are a few popular AI copywrite tools:

Writesonic: Writesonic is an AI smart writing tool that can be used to write blogs, articles and social media posts.

Copy AI: Copy AI is a popular AI copywriting tool that can be used to write articles, blog posts, social media posts and more.

Jasper (Formerly Jarvis): It generates high-quality content, from blog posts to ad copy.

Bottom Line

There’s no denying that AI copywriting tools are here to stay. However, these tools are best understood as a means to aid and enhance human creativity, not to replace it. They serve as a bridge, connecting the gap between high-volume content production and personalization, efficiency, and accuracy.

As the technology behind AI copywriting tools continues to advance, the possibilities for their use in content strategy are limitless. The future of content might just be a calculated, carefully written algorithm away.

Choosing the Right Financial Management Software for Your Small Business

FinanceInternet and Technology

Selecting the right financial management software is crucial for the success and growth of your small business. With numerous options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect fit for your unique needs. Let’s see what are the key factors to consider when choosing a financial management software that will help streamline your business processes and drive growth.

Ease of Use

As a small business owner, you likely have a lot on your plate, and learning a complicated software may not be a priority. Look for a financial management software with an intuitive user interface and straightforward navigation. The easier it is to use, the more likely you and your team will adopt it and reap its benefits.


Your business will grow and evolve over time, and your financial management software should be able to grow with you. Choose a software that can easily accommodate the addition of new features, users, and integrations as your business expands.


Every business is unique, and your financial management software should be able to adapt to your specific needs. Look for a solution that allows you to customize features, reports, and dashboards to suit your business requirements.

Integration with Existing Tools

To maximize efficiency and reduce manual data entry, your financial management software should seamlessly integrate with other tools you use, such as payroll, inventory management, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.


Your financial data is sensitive and must be protected from unauthorized access and potential data breaches. Ensure that the software you choose has robust security measures in place, such as encryption, secure data storage, and multi-factor authentication.

Customer Support

Reliable customer support is essential when dealing with financial management software. Choose a provider that offers prompt and helpful support through multiple channels, such as phone, email, and live chat.


As a small business, budget is likely a significant consideration. Compare the pricing plans of different financial management software solutions and ensure that you are getting the best value for your money. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best fit, so weigh the features and benefits against the cost.

Reviews and Recommendations

Lastly, take the time to read reviews and seek recommendations from other small business owners who have used the software you are considering. This will give you a better understanding of the pros and cons, as well as the real-world experiences of other users.

If you are looking for a financial management software that is easy to use and offers the best value for your money, consider Cassie Finance. This solution is designed specifically for small businesses, which means that it provides a number of features that are not available in other software packages. Plus, you get real-time access to all your financial data from any device with an internet connection.

In Conclusion

Choosing the right financial management software, like Cassie Finance, for your small business is a critical decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. By evaluating the ease of use, scalability, customization, integration, security, customer support, pricing, and reviews, you can make an informed choice that will set your business on the path to success.

Unveiling the Latest Invention Ideas

Internet and Technology

Innovation is ever-evolving, and new invention ideas are constantly being brought to life. Let’s explore five groundbreaking ideas that have the potential to revolutionize various industries and change the way we live our lives. From eco-friendly solutions to advanced healthcare technologies, these invention ideas promise to tackle some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

1. The Solar-Powered Water Purifier

One of the most pressing global issues is the lack of access to clean drinking water. The solar-powered water purifier aims to address this problem by utilizing the power of the sun to purify water in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner. This innovative device harnesses solar energy to heat water, killing harmful bacteria and viruses in the process. The purified water can then be used for drinking, cooking, and other household needs, making it a game-changer for communities in need.

2. The Biodegradable Drone

As the use of drones continues to expand, concerns about the environmental impact of discarded drone components grow. The biodegradable drone is a groundbreaking invention that addresses this issue by using eco-friendly materials that decompose naturally over time. This innovative design reduces the environmental footprint of drone usage and encourages more sustainable practices within the industry.

3. The Smart Prosthetic Limb

The field of prosthetics has seen significant advancements in recent years, and the smart prosthetic limb is one of the most promising inventions to date. This cutting-edge device uses artificial intelligence and advanced sensors to provide users with a more natural and intuitive experience. The smart prosthetic limb can adapt to the user’s movements and preferences, allowing for greater control and functionality than ever before.

4. The 3D-Printed Organ

The demand for organ transplants far outpaces the supply, leaving many patients on lengthy waiting lists. The 3D-printed organ is a revolutionary invention idea that has the potential to save countless lives by allowing doctors to create custom, bio-compatible organs using the patient’s own cells. This technology eliminates the need for organ donors and reduces the risk of rejection, making it a game-changer in the world of healthcare.

5. The Vertical Farming System

With the global population on the rise and arable land becoming increasingly scarce, the need for innovative solutions to feed the world is more urgent than ever. The vertical farming system is a groundbreaking invention that uses advanced hydroponic and aeroponic technologies to grow crops in vertically stacked layers. This approach maximizes space, reduces water usage, and eliminates the need for harmful pesticides, making it a sustainable and efficient way to produce food in urban environments.


These five invention ideas represent just a small glimpse into the future of innovation. As technologies continue to advance and creative minds push the boundaries of what is possible, we can expect to see even more groundbreaking inventions that will shape our world and improve the quality of life for generations to come.

Understanding Page Authority in SEO: The Key to a Higher Ranking

Internet and Technology

The term “Page Authority” has become a crucial factor in determining a website’s digital presence. But what exactly is Page Authority and why should businesses and website owners care about it?

Page Authority, a metric developed by Moz, is a score (ranging from 0 to 100) that predicts how well a specific webpage will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). The higher the score, the more likely the page is to rank higher in search results. It’s important to note that Page Authority is page-specific, meaning it focuses on the strength of individual pages rather than an entire domain.

How Is Page Authority Calculated?

Several factors contribute to a webpage’s Page Authority. Some key elements include:

Link Profile: The number and quality of backlinks pointing to a webpage play a significant role in determining its authority. High-quality, relevant, and diverse backlinks signal to search engines that the content is valuable and worth ranking.

Social Signals: Shares, likes, and comments on social media platforms can also impact a page’s authority. Engaging content that resonates with users and generates social buzz can improve the score.

Content Quality: High-quality, informative, and engaging content is essential. Pages that provide valuable insights, address user queries effectively, and exhibit expertise in their respective niches are more likely to gain a higher authority.

On-Page Optimization: Proper use of keywords, meta tags, and header tags, along with mobile-friendliness and fast loading times, can boost a page’s authority. A well-optimized page is easier for search engines to index and rank.

How To Improve Page Authority?

Improving Page Authority should be a priority for businesses and website owners looking to enhance their online presence. While it’s not a direct ranking factor used by search engines like Google, a higher Page Authority score typically correlates with better SERP rankings.

“To boost Page Authority, focus on enhancing your link profile by acquiring high-quality backlinks, creating shareable content, and optimizing your pages for search engines.” – Citation: matt-jackson.com PA – Page Authority

Remember, improving Page Authority is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort, but the payoff – a higher ranking and increased online visibility, is well worth the investment.


To summarize, Page Authority is a measure of how well a page can rank in search results. It’s calculated by looking at both the number and quality of links to a web page as well as its length, title tag, headings and other on-page factors. A higher Page Authority score correlates with better SERP rankings but it’s not directly used by search engines like Google.

Discovering the Ideal Invention Service Provider for Your Next Breakthrough Idea

BusinessInternet and Technology

As the world continues to evolve at a rapid pace, so does the need for novel and innovative solutions to everyday problems. If you’re an inventor brimming with ideas, finding the right invention service provider can make all the difference in transforming your vision into a marketable product. Let’s see how to find a new invention service provider that will help you turn your ideas into profitable realities.

Identify Your Needs And Goals

Before setting out on your search, take the time to define your invention’s objectives, the scope of services required, and your ultimate goal. Whether you need help with patenting, prototyping, or marketing, having a clear understanding of your expectations will make it easier to identify the right service provider.

Conduct Extensive Research

Start by searching online for invention service providers that specialize in your industry or product category. Look for companies with a strong track record of successfully bringing inventions to the market. Read reviews, testimonials, and case studies to learn about their experience and expertise.

Evaluate Their Experience And Expertise

The ideal invention service provider should have a team of experienced professionals who are experts in various fields, such as engineering, design, and intellectual property law. They should also have a deep understanding of the industry you’re targeting and know the ins and outs of the market.

Assess Their Network And Resources

A well-connected invention service provider can greatly increase your chances of success. Look for a company that has established relationships with manufacturers, distributors, and potential investors. They should also have access to resources such as 3D printers, testing labs, and marketing experts.

Review Their Pricing And Contract Terms

While cost shouldn’t be the sole deciding factor, it’s essential to choose a service provider that offers transparent pricing and flexible contract terms. Make sure to read the fine print and clarify any doubts before signing on the dotted line.

InventHelp is one of the most reputable companies in the industry, and they offer a free consultation to help inventors get started. They also offer a variety of packages that include everything from marketing assistance to legal services. If you have any questions about them, like how their process works? How Big Is InventHelp? How long have they been in business? How many inventions have they helped inventors bring to market? All these questions and more can be answered on their website.


Finding the right invention service provider can be a game-changer in bringing your innovative ideas to life. By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can increase your chances of finding a reliable partner that will help you navigate the complex world of invention and product development. With the right support, your groundbreaking idea could be the next big thing to hit the market.

Are You Ready to Patent Your Invention Idea?

BusinessInternet and TechnologyLaw

If you have an invention idea, you may be wondering if it’s unique enough to be patented. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to determine if your invention is patent-ready.

Research Your Idea

The first step is to do a thorough search of existing patents. You can use the USPTO’s patent database to search for existing patents. If you find a patent that is similar to your invention, that means it’s not unique and can’t be patented. However, if you don’t find a similar patent, then you can move on to the next step.

There are professional patent agencies, such as InventHelp, that can perform a thorough search for you. InventHelp brings inventor ideas to the market with their expert help. They can perform a thorough patent search and provide you with an opinion on whether or not your invention is patent-worthy.

Evaluate Your Invention

Once you’ve done your research and determined that your invention is unique, the next step is to evaluate your invention. Ask yourself the following questions: Is my invention useful? Is it novel? Is it non-obvious? If you can answer “yes” to all three of these questions, then your invention is ready to be patented.

File a Patent Application

Filing a patent application is the final step in the process and is done through the USPTO. You must provide detailed information about your invention, including drawings, specifications, and claims. Once your application is filed, the USPTO will review your application and decide whether or not your invention is patent-worthy. If your application is approved, you will be granted a patent, which will give you exclusive rights to your invention.

Get Professional Help

If you’re having trouble understanding the patent process or need help filing your application, you can always seek help from InventHelp professional patent agency. They can guide you through the process and ensure that your invention is properly protected. With InventHelp the details of your invention idea are safe and secure and you can rest assured that your patent is filed correctly. Once your application is accepted, they will help you sell it to a company or investor so that they can take your idea and bring it to market.


If you have an invention idea, you should take steps to protect it. The first step is to understand the process of patenting and how it can help you. Once you know the basics, then it’s time to find out what type of patent best suits your needs.

Do You Need a Prototype for Your Invention Idea?

BusinessInternet and Technology

If you’re an inventor, chances are you’ve thought of more than one idea that could make a lot of money. The problem is, most people don’t know how to turn those ideas into reality. In fact, many inventors don’t even realize that they need a prototype for their invention idea before they can sell it or license it to manufacturers.

Consulting With Professionals

There are many patenting agencies, like InventHelp – one of the best invention companies, that can help you with your idea. They will review your invention and determine if it’s marketable, as well as how much money it could make if marketed correctly. If they like what they see, they will help you transform your idea into a prototype so that manufacturers can evaluate it.

Why Do You Need a Prototype?

Prototypes are a key part of the invention process, helping you to test and refine your idea. Even if you don’t plan to patent your invention, you’ll need to create a prototype before you can market or sell it. Prototypes allow you to test the feasibility of your invention and identify any potential problems. It’s also important to create a prototype if you plan to patent your invention. A prototype can help demonstrate the utility and novelty of your invention, which is a key requirement for patentability.

How Do You Build a Prototype?

Building a prototype for your invention idea can be a challenging task. You’ll need to have a good understanding of the materials and tools you’ll need to build the prototype. It’s often a good idea to consult an experienced engineer or technician for help with the design and construction of the prototype. You may also want to seek help from a patent agency, such as InventHelp for assistance with prototype creation and patenting. A prototype is an essential tool for demonstrating the utility and novelty of your invention idea. It can help convince investors, manufacturers, and retailers to invest in your product idea.


Prototypes are an important part of the invention process, whether you plan to patent your invention or not. Building a prototype can help you to test and refine your invention idea, and prove the utility and novelty of your invention. It’s often a good idea to seek help from an engineer or technician when building a prototype, and to consult a patent attorney or an agency, like InventHelp, if you plan to patent your invention.

How to Think of New Invention Idea

BusinessInternet and Technology

Invention ideas are all around us. We just need to be able to see them and recognize them.

In this article we will look at some different ways that you can come up with new invention ideas, so that you can start your journey towards becoming a successful inventor.

What is an Invention?

An invention is a new device or machine that is useful in some way and which is not yet available on the market. Many inventions are simply improvements on existing technology or concepts, but there are also many completely original ideas which were created by someone who had never seen anything like it before, as you can read from this source.

Some examples of inventions include the light bulb, computers and even the wheel. Usually when people think about inventions, they imagine new devices or machines that are very complex in nature, but this is not always the case. For example, an idea for a new type of chair could also be considered an invention if it is something that does not currently exist on the market.

Famous Inventors

In many cases, the inventor of an invention is also the person who created the first version of it. For example, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and later improved upon it with a more powerful version that could last longer.

Nikola Tesla invented the alternating current system that makes possible the use of electricity in every home and business throughout the world today.

Sometimes, however, the person who creates the first version of an invention is not the inventor. For example, Charles Goodyear invented a process by which rubber could be made into a durable material that would not melt in hot temperatures. However, a businessman named Thomas Hancock was the first person to use this invention commercially. He created the world’s first rubber tires for vehicles and sold them to several companies that made horse-drawn carriages. Read more about famous inventors – click here.

Inventions are typically created by an individual or a team of people. They can be the result of years of research, trial and error, and many failed attempts at creating something new. An invention may also be the result of an accident that occurs during the course of normal experimentation with existing technology.


Inventions can be a great way to make money and help people. At times, they are needed to improve on a current technology or create something that has never been seen before.